Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie, MCI Management i New Europe Events zapraszają na najbardziej ekscytującą konferencję dla przedsiębiorców i inwestorów nowych mediów i technologii. Konferencja TMT.Ventures’09 Warsaw już 5 marca w Sali Notowań GPW w Warszawie.
W ciągu ostatnich lat kraje Europy Środkowej rozwinęły się nie do poznania. Jednym z motorów tego wzrostu był rozkwit drobnej przedsiębiorczości. Kariery od zera do milionera nie były niczym nadzwyczajnym w latach 90-tych, ale przełom wieków należał już do branży IT, a potem internetu, nowych mediów i usług mobilnych…
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Special price for entrepreneurs: only 299 PLN,valid until February 15. The number of places is limited.
He manages the extremely active (over 60 completed investments) German pounder Holtzbrinck Ventures, which has invested in Poland in and In May 1998, Konstantin joined the Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck, where he became Director of the New Media Department. In 2000, all investments were excluded from the Verlagsgruppe von Holtzbrinck and consolidated to form holtzbrinck networXs AG, where Konstantin was appointed CEO. Since 2000, together with CFO Martin Weber, he has been developing holtzbrinck networXs, leading to the position of one of the leading companies investing in Internet ventures in Germany. Currently, holtzbrinck networXs has been split into Holtzbrinck Networks GmbH and Holtzbrinck Ventures GmbH, with Konstantin Urban and Martin Weber serving as CEO of both companies. Konstantin Urban is responsible for Holtzbrinck Networks. At holtzbrinck networXs, he not only served as CEO, but also founded Parship GmbH, Europe’s leading high-quality partnership service. Prior to that, Konstantin worked as a Senior Consultant at Gemini Consulting in Munich and as an intern at Blackwell Scientific Publications in Oxford and Boston. A graduate of management at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and MBA studies at the Babson College in Wellesley.
A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University and doctoral studies at the Panthéon – Assass University (Paris II). Doctor of law, legal advisor. He worked at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University (1989-1995), at the Office of the Council of Ministers (1992-1993), and was also an advisor to the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (1994). In the years 1994-2006 Vice-President of the Management Board of the National Depository for Securities. Since 28 June 2006 President of the Management Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange.Since June 2006 Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the National Depository for Securities. He was a judge of the Stock Exchange Court and the Arbitration Court at KDPW. In the years 1997-1998 he was an associate of the Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Pension Reform. Expert of Senate and Sejm committees. Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Stock Exchange Centre until 2006. In the years 1997-2002 he was an associate of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw (Department of Civil Law Management Problems).
V-ce President of Fidelity Ventures. It deals with technological investments on the European market. A Croatian who gained education and contacts in the USA and then returned to the Old Continent to support innovative companies from our region of Europe. Currently, he is a Member of the Management Board in the portfolio companies Asset Control, Newbay Software and Seatwave. Previously, Davor was associated as a co-founder and member of the program board with Experia (an investment of a private equity fund) in Croatia. In the years 200-2003 he worked for McKinsey and Company, where he was involved in advising companies from the USA and Europe in the field of strategy and technology. A graduate of Angelo State University, Carnegie Mellon University and MBA studies at arvard Business School.
A graduate of the University of Gdańsk (Faculty of Economics and Management) and the MBA program at Cass Business School in London in the field of Strategic Management of Technological Enterprises and e-business. He has over 10 years of experience in the field of strategic management, development of new ventures, mergers and acquisitions and Venture Capital / Private Equity investments.Before taking the position of a Partner associated within the MCI Group, he worked as the Director of Strategy and Development at ATM SA, a Polish IT company listed on the stock exchange, in which he also managed the corporate venturing program, i.e. a program of strategic investments in companies developing innovative ones. Technologies. In addition, he was the Vice President of mPay SA – a wallet company ATM SA, which launched the first mobile payment system in Poland. Previously, he worked as a strategy and management consultant, project manager and development director for PricewaterhouseCoopers in London and Lockheed Martin in Poland.
Business archangel, serial entrepreneur, visionary and ideologue of start-ups. He founded or co-invested in more than 40 tech startups, including Skype, later purchased by eBay. He is 36 years old, his current portfolio includes more than 80 companies from the Internet, through telecommunications, to the health and energy sectors. Morten has created a special investment category in its portfolio: WILD – Worldwide Investments/Involvement in Life Development, which includes,, investments in water purification companies, water turbines, mine detection and the fight against hunger. It is one of the most active investors in Europe. Morten is a special member of Clinton’s Global Initiative (, a professor at the University of Reykjavik, and a frequent guest at international conferences. His blog has more readers than the local newspaper, 40,000.
Zbigniew Łapiński joined 3TS Capital Partners in September 2005, before that he was CFO of netia, a telecommunications company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Regional Telecom Analyst at Deutsche Bank, Equity Analyst at Creditanstalt Securities SA and Investment Officer at UNIDO. Zbigniew Łapiński is also a Member of the Supervisory Board of several public and private companies. He is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics.
Rafał Styczeń is the main founder and largest shareholder of IIF S.A. The fund, founded in 1999, was one of the first venture capital funds in Poland. Rafał Styczeń has been gaining experience on the IT market since his studies at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. He is behind the success of such companies as Comarch, BillBird (My Accounts) or Inteligo. From 2002 to 2004, Rafał Styczeń managed BillBird, the founder and operator of the MojeRachunki network. My Bills is an innovative technology that allows you to pay bills electronically. In 1994, before the founding of IIF, Rafał Styczeń was a co-founder and co-author of the success of Comarch S.A., one of the largest IT companies in Poland. It was Rafał Styczeń who prepared Comarch to enter the stock exchange and before that he was the President of the Management Board for two years. In addition to his studies at AGH UST, he also graduated from Stanford University Graduate School of Business – Executive Program for Growing Companies. In 2000 he was the winner of the Young, Talented Businessman competition organized by Rzeczpospolita and Alcat and in 2001 the winner of the competition organized by Businessman Magazine – Leader of the new economy and information society. Rafał Styczeń is a successful man and passionate about new technologies
Ostatnio odbyły się
W 2007 i 2008 roku New Europe Events we współpracy z Platynowymi Partnerami: funduszem MCI Management oraz Giełdą Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie zorganizowała cykl konferencji „TMT Executive Seminar” w Warszawie, Pradze, Kijowie i Bukareszcie.